The Play Is the Thing: Julie Ratner


Filmed at LTV on October 13, 2021
Produced and Hosted by Judy Sleed
Guest: Julie Ratner, Co-Founder and President, The Ellen Hermanson Foundation

Judy Sleed started this show some 20 years ago on LTV. “I chose Josh Gladstone, the Artistic Director at Guild Hall as my first guest to put in my hot seat, encouraging him to spill it all! We had a blast! It's hard to believe I've since interviewed hundreds of you, and although I've known some of you for many moons, I really don't know anything about you! It's such a thrill for me to get feedback from so many all over the world! The technology is truly amazing! Whether it's YouTube or email, I love hearing from everyone! And there's still time for anyone who wants to be a guest. I sometimes find myself reminiscing, watching shows I've done with people who are no longer with us. I feel honored to have played a small part in their lives. I look forward to 20 more years of The Play Is The Thing!”

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